Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Quick Break from Spring Break

Yes I know I promised to post more photos from our trip to Siesta Key along with details of the little guy's beach escapades, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. In the meantime here is some new artwork that is gracing our walls that was inspired by a trip to the Sarasota Aquarium.
Once we got there Elijah had little or no interest in seeing dolphins, giant squids, pelicans and blow fish, though a tank containing a real Nemo and Dori did get his attention; but the gift shop with its various "traffic signs" (i.e. manatee crossing, a picture of a shark with the words Dead End) pique his curiosity. That interest waned however until today when, in a burst of creativity, he recreated the shark sign and added to it a variety of crossings we should be on the lookout for when we take to the highway. I don't know about you but being stuck in tape or glue and getting blindsided by a quart of milk is not my idea a joy ride.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break

For those of you who have been wondering why there hasn't been a new post lately (I'm guessing ten people, including family members) here's a few pictures of where we've been with more details to follow.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is this s**t?

With Elijah, sometimes a crisis is nothing more than a DVD freezing or wagon wheel pasta that isn't cold enough. Other times, like last night, it's a bloody nose that drips on his shirt and prompts a demand for new apparel. (Not too long ago, the blood coming out of his nose would have been the cause for alarm, so I guess this is an improvement.) This morning, however, the cries of "Daddy come here!!!!" coming from the bathroom were for a problem I haven't dealt with before -- bright blue poop.

For any parents reading this blog, such a moment probably doesn't register high on the angst meter, but for Elijah, the anxiety was overwhelming.

"I don't want my poop to be blue! It needs to be brown!"

My mind went back to a birthday party he attended yesterday in which the Star Wars theme cake was layered in "dark side" black frosting, and I assumed this was was the culprit of the bowel mystery. A quick call to a nurse hotline confirmed this (after she got a good laugh) so the panic level in the household has subsided dramatically.

Sort of gives a new interpretation to the phrase "let the force be with you."

The Shin Bone's Connected to the.....

Taking his cue from a certain well-known former Governor, Elijah recently decided to write some notes to himself on parts of his body. Now I don't know if the reason for his anatomy cheat sheets was an upcoming exam on body parts in kindergarten or if he just wanted a reminder for himself but, as the old saying goes, it all came out in the wash.