Although it was indeed a very cold day, Sarah, Elijah and I made our way to the Kansas Speedway for the Autism Speaks Walk. I don't know what it is about autism walks and the weather, but the previous two times I have participated in this type of event, the weather has been horrible. The first time, it sleeted -- with a wind-chill factor in single digits -- and the other time, rain poured down as if we were in a monsoon.
But because I felt it was our duty to go, I dragged Sarah and Elijah out in the cold. Elijah had a great time (the fact that he was in the wagon the entire two-mile walk, wrapped in warm blankets, didn't hurt) and with TWO moonwalks to jump and slide on, how coul
d he not? Dad had a pretty good time as well, as I got to talk with some people on some autism-related issues and see my little guy laugh and smile. Even Mom, who was tired and cold, eventually got into the spirit of things.

With a "Fall Festival" scheduled for tomorrow at a large metropolitan park, and the weather forecasters saying it will be the same type of day, I know my work is cut out for me if I want to convince Sarah to come with us. But somehow, when she is sitting in the warmth of our home seeing the smile on his face in these pictures, Sarah gets a little more willing to join our little astronaut on another "moonwalk."

Bouncing around in his favorite spot....inside a moon walk.
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