This past week Elijah had his first swim lessons and the best that can be said is that they were not a disaster. Although Michael Phelps will not lose any sleep before the Olympics worrying about possible competition from Elijah, Virgnie Dedieu (known as the French Solo Queen of synchronized swimming - a four time champion) should be looking over her shoulder. The reason for this is as the instructor constantly tried to get our little guy to practice his strokes in the water, he was more interest
ed in interpretive dancing using elaborate arm gestures that would have made Twyla Tharp proud.
Which brings up an issue that Sarah and I have talked about many times knowing it will be broached by his school, medication to help him focus. I am NOT opposed to the idea for some children. I have seen it do wonders for kids of family and friends, getting them through school successfully. But focus is not Elijah's problem. If he is "writing" one of his books or recreating a strip mall using tinkertoys and paper, nothing can distract him. His teachers have said that if he is working on a project at school and it's time to move on to another area, he is adamant about completing the task at hand. As I said, focus, when it involves something he enjoys, is not an issue.
So when the subject is mentioned, both Sarah and I agree that path is better left not taken. Though our reasons may differ, we both want to see where this voyage takes us without any chemical interference. So when at swim lessons while some of children look dour as they attempt to follow the teacher and Elijah dances and sings, smiles and laughs and has the time of his life, I have to ask myself one question....When I was younger I took drugs to feel the way he does now, so why would I give him anything that would take that euphoria away? Years fr
om now I could change my mind, but for the time being I'll take my happy anarchist.

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