Monday, April 20, 2009

Is there any room left on the Susan Boyle bandwagon?

If so, I'd like to squeeze on.

Usually, I'm skeptical of YouTube crazes, Internet celebrities and social networking fads (OK, yes, I did the "25 Things" meme on Facebook, but that's it. Honest). I haven't even signed on to Twitter yet, so I'm obviously not a jump-on-the-bandwagon person. (If you don't know what Twitter is, you will soon. Trust me on this.)

So when coworkers began buzzing about the Susan Boyle performance more than a week ago, I tuned it out. Exaggeration, I thought.

I was wrong. So please forgive me for being the 1 millionth (or is it 10 millionth?) blogger to post a link to this. You may well have already seen this, or at the very least, read about it. But I suspect there are maybe three or four regular readers of this blog who have not (I won't name names here, to protect the pop-culture innocent). Even Elijah was absolutely captivated, and I think it's safe to say that performances of music from "Les Miserables" by middle-aged women don't typically captivate 5-year-old boys.

So please, if you haven't yet seen Susan Boyle's performance on the April 11 broadcast of "Britain's Got Talent," click here. Read the article first, then watch the video.

It is one of the most uplifting things I have ever seen, and it will change your day. I promise.

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