Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I wonder if Casey Kasem ever got this kind of request

Despite his differences, Elijah still loves something that all little boys do: disgusting noises coming out of orifices of the body, specifically the mouth and tush. Since mommy is working most nights, Elijah and I can partake in this practice without any reprimands. He enjoys it so much that he now requests it on many occasions, much to the horror of Sarah. In fact, the other day he asked if "mommy, daddy and Elijah can fart into the refrigerator". When that request was denied he then proceeded to name every little boy and girl in his pre-school and asked if they could fart into the refrigerator. That wish went unfulfilled, but it was good to see that he knew all the kids in his class. Perhaps this could be used as a teaching method in the future.

As I said he likes noises emulating from the mouth as well. Tonight at the dinner table he requested a burp from daddy. I told him I would burp if he ate two carrots. (This type of deal-making drives Sarah crazy.) As he was finishing up the second carrot, I finished my Mr. Pibb and delivered on my end of the bargain. Elijah was laughing so hard that he started to choke on the carrot he was eating. Now that would be a tough one to explain at the ER:

"Now let me get this straight....Your son was choking and the Heimlich maneuver had to be used because you burped? Nurse, get me social services on the phone."

Fortunately all that happened was a laughfest that went on as long as daddy could perform and Elijah would eat. Needless to say Sarah did not participate, even though Elijah requested that "mommy burp on daddy's head".

I guess females just don't get it.

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