Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

A short post here, I promise. After all, I need to get ready for our big New Year's Eve celebration -- a "family fun night" at our health club. (My, how parenthood changes things.)

But to start the new year off right, I wanted to link to a couple of fun blogs that gave me a sometimes rather embarrassing view of ... myself. You've probably heard of "Stuff White People Like," which a friend sent me a link to many months ago. (If you click on that link, be sure to then click on the full list of Stuff White People Like.) It was so funny I kept reading and reading, nearly missing my yoga class (No. 15 on the list) and at one point almost snorting out my coffee (No. 1). This was shortly after my breakfast of organic foods (No. 6). I had recently finished a book by David Sedaris (No. 25). And, of course, I voted for Barack Obama (No. 8). If you know me at all, and read this list, you will see that I'm so white, I'm practically translucent. Which explains why such a large chunk of my summertime paychecks goes to sunscreen.

The whole "Stuff White People Like" theme has become something of a franchise, which now includes "Stuff Journalists Like." It has a depressingly familiar theme -- the list includes low pay (makes us feel noble), working holidays (makes us feel superior to the lazy masses) and even layoffs (which have the eventual result of getting us into jobs with higher pay and holidays off). It also includes a number of items in common with "Stuff White People Like," but on the journalists' list, Obama is, appropriately, No. 44. It even includes "year in review" stories, which you're no doubt sick of by now. But there is an explanation for them. You'll just have to read it for yourself.

I like these sites enough that I'm adding them to my meager little blogroll. So anytime you need a laugh at the expense of white people or journalists, you can just come here!

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