Thursday, December 25, 2008

Yes, it's still Jeff and Sarah!

We're getting ready to jump into 2009 with some minor changes to our blog, including the title. (The address remains the same.)

Using our first names was so uncreative it was pathetic. I'm not saying that the solution you see above is brilliant -- especially since this template won't let me uppercase what I want to uppercase (a painful thing for a copy editor). But our new title certainly describes our approaches to life, particularly parenting: I'm the mom who doesn't go for organized youth sports, time-outs, baking, arts and crafts or entire days spent entertaining my offspring and driving him from activity to activity. I actually think boredom is GOOD for kids. Trust me, this puts me WAY OUT into odd territory.

And Jeff is, hands-down, the world's most even-tempered dad.

Perhaps I'll get around to making this site more splashy as the year goes on. At the very least, I plan to add quite a few links to sites Jeff and I like (some blogs, some not), as well as more photos. Improving my Web design and editing skills is my personal goal for 2009, not to mention my only chance for professional survival.

We had a fun little Christmas at our house, and it turns out that Santa came through with the basketball goal request -- in his own way. More on that later.

1 comment:

Natalie Willis said...

I like the new title!! Hope you all had a great holiday! Can't wait to hear how Santa came through on the basketball goal!!